Serco Employment, Skills & Training Services

Company 'secures' fully funded training to upskill workforce, Redditch

Cava Security Services is a business established in February 2005. Employing 30 staff, the company has grown significantly over the past 10 years. Managing Director, Richard Payton is committed to developing his team and supporting the community, sponsoring boxing clubs and offering advice on crime reduction.

Operations Director, Mal Ullah, contributes to regular partner meetings with the Police Service and local Council - inviting audits from internal and external agencies to continuously improve the business and stay ahead of changing legislation.

Pilot Training contacted Cava Security having recognized their eligibility to process on the SSW programme. After an initial overview of the support available in the Worcester area, a Training Needs Analysis was booked within 24 hours to meet with Mal to look at staff development and the impact that training his team would have on business and employees.

100% Of front line staff benefited from customer services training

PHOTO: Theo (Team Leader) and Mal (Operations Director) undertaking award in education and training - “train the trainer”.

Skills Support for the Workforce (SSW) is a programme developed to upskill employees within small and medium-sized businesses. The programme provides recognised accredited qualifications and bespoke training courses to enhance your employees’ skills, increase the competitiveness of your business and boost the local economy. SSW is co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA). Pilot Training are part of Serco’s network of training providers chosen to deliver the SSW programme in Worcestershire.

Cava Security Services is a business established in February 2005. Employing 30 staff, the company has grown significantly over the past 10 years. Managing Director, Richard Payton is committed to developing his team and supporting the community, sponsoring boxing clubs and offering advice on crime reduction.

Operations Director, Mal Ullah, contributes to regular partner meetings with the Police Service and local Council - inviting audits from internal and external agencies to continuously improve the business and stay ahead of changing legislation.

Pilot Training contacted Cava Security having recognized their eligibility to process on the SSW programme. After an initial overview of the support available in the Worcester area, a Training Needs Analysis was booked within 24 hours to meet with Mal to look at staff development and the impact that training his team would have on business and employees.

Security is monitored and regulated by several agencies with legislation continually being reviewed. Compliance is a huge part of the business function – and often dealt with by the first response team.  Cava review policies and procedures to ensure they are in line with their obligations. As with most SMEs, Cava have a small budget for staff training and development and this is spent on essential training that allows them to continue to trade, this includes; Health and Safety; First Aid; SIA; CCTV. Cava were delighted to be advised about funded skills training to support staff development.

Cava wish to prepare for the Commonwealth Games, being held in Birmingham 2022. The company want to supply staff members that have a Crowd Control Qualification - NVQ Spectator Level 2. With 85 guided learning hours, Cava recognise that this is a large qualification, but a critical one for their Guards.

With two members of the team recently promoted to the position of Team Leader, management decided that a Management Level 3 course would be delivered, with Mal and established managers also undertaking this qualification.

Although experienced and skilled managers, Cava’s management team are committed to continually improving whilst simultaneously offering a strong peer support culture - gaining these formal qualifications will provide new team leaders with the confidence to support and develop others.

Cava are developing a training department as a result of this intervention with 4 members of the team undertaking an award in Education and Training Level 3 (a teaching qualification that will formally recognize experienced team members as qualified trainers, offering the skills and knowledge to teach and develop others.) Aligning to this qualification is the award to assess Competency in the Workplace, Level 3. Cava understand the importance of a robust training plan for each team member to ensure that teams are effective, skilled and continually develop.

In addition, Cava have requested all frontline staff undertake a qualification in Customer Services - this is a critical expectation of Cava who operate in the belief that a first-class service is essential to sustain the business, exceeding expectations and allowing them to be viewed as preferred security provider.

Training delivery plans:

  1. To complete all training by October 2019 – bites-size chunks of learning are taking place with a blended approach (workshops and remote support with team undertaking assignments to validate knowledge)
  2. Pilot tutor assessing throughout the 12-week window of learning.
  3. Deadlines are set to offer a rhythm and discipline within learning, enabling Cava to develop own style of delivery once staff members are qualified as tutors.  
  4. 4 team members have completed customer service and are now undertaking award in education and training.

Operations Manager, Mal Ullah, said:

“We are delighted that the team have achieved their first qualification, they have shown a commitment to learning and are keen to develop further. We align ourselves daily to our mission statement SECURING EXCELLENCE and this skills training has added value to our operation. Developing our staff offers us a competitive edge, gains confidence from our Clients - knowing our teams our highly skilled, have a commitment to continuous improvement whilst applying the very best of our services daily. SSW has allowed us to develop our teams with bite size chunks of training, a flexible approach that has fitted around our business needs”

Flexible Delivery:

Cava Security operate 24/7, Pilot Training have taken this into consideration and delivered training to fit within business needs. Delivery of training has taken place during the evenings and weekends to ensure limited disruption to business operations.

The training and qualifications delivered will leave Cava Security with a highly skilled workforce and the ability to continue staff development. The result will be that the team benefit from formal, recognized qualifications which should set the company as a preferred contractor for prospective Customers, and set them up to be a competitive contractor at the upcoming Commonwealth Games.