Skills Support for the Workforce

Fisher Solicitors – Chloe

Chloe worked as a Marketing Officer at Fisher Solicitors and is responsible for all marketing activities. With a previous qualification in Marketing, Chloe’s goal was to grow and become a more rounded employee with an understanding of management and leadership qualities.

How SSW Supported Chloe

To meet her goal, Chloe completed the Team Leading NVQ Level 2 Diploma, which was delivered by Siamo Training, one of the expert training providers chosen to carry out the Skills Support for the Workforce (SSW) programme. As SSW is co-financed by the European Social Fund and the Education and Skills Funding Agency, Chloe was able to access the training at no cost to herself or her employer.

As part of her training, Chloe wanted to understand how to manage herself and staff to ensure higher productivity and develop relationships with other departments to positively affect output. An aim of the course was to increase confidence in the style of managing and awareness in how others work.

Since completing the qualification, Chloe has been promoted to Marketing Manager with the course having directly impacted the achievement. It has also enabled Chloe to think about different aspects of the wider business and gain a greater understanding of different leadership styles to adapt accordingly. Chloe has more confidence as she better understands her role and the business, which provides her with a platform to continue progressing.

Chloe has ambitions to progress and complete further Leadership and Management training. She is currently discussing undertaking Level 5 and Level 7 Senior Management apprenticeships with her employer.

18th Aug 2022 Restart Scheme

Success for National Retailer as the Restart Scheme helps fill 7 positions

West Bromwich | Leading Labels are a multi-branded clothing retailer with numerous stores throughout the UK and Ireland. The Restart Scheme has been working with Leading Labels since May 2022 after Sue Gaskell, Employment Engagement Coordinator for the Restart Scheme, spoke to Warren Ponter, Retail Operations Controller for Leading Labels. Read more here.

17th Aug 2022 Cynllun Ailddechrau

Y Cynllun Ailddechrau yn helpu dyn digartref i gael gwaith cynaliadwy a lle i fyw

Cyn y pandemig, roedd Aaron* wedi gweithio fel Paciwr mewn Warws. Pan gafodd cyfyngiadau COVID-19 eu gwneud yn ofyniad cyfreithiol, roedd yn ddi-waith.

17th Aug 2022 Cynllun Ailddechrau

Y Cynllun Ailgychwyn yn rhoi hwb i hyder ceisiwr gwaith i sicrhau swydd gweithio gartref ym maes Gwasanaethau i Gwsmeriaid

Aeth Daniel* yn ddi-waith oherwydd pandemig COVID-19, ac roedd rhaid iddo symud yn ôl i Ogledd Cymru i fyw gyda’i rieni. Roedd Daniel yn ddihyder ar ôl bod allan o waith am ddwy flynedd ac nid oedd yn glir ynghylch pa fath o waith yr oedd eisiau ei wneud – roedd wedi gweithio ym maes TG a Gwasanaethau i Gwsmeriaid o’r blaen. 

17th Aug 2022 Cynllun Ailddechrau

Arbenigwr TG di-waith hirdymor ar y Cynllun Ailddechrau yn goresgyn rhwystrau hyder i gael gwaith

Yn ddiweddar, llwyddodd un o bartneriaid cyflenwi Serco yn y Flint, People Plus, i helpu dyn ifanc i fynd yn ôl i weithio.  Roedd Kevin* wedi colli llawer o hyder oherwydd ei fod yn ddi-waith am gyfnod hir cyn pandemig COVID-19. Ar ôl gwneud cais am lawer o swyddi ym maes TG a Dylunio Gwefannau, gan gynnwys rolau a oedd yn is na’i set sgiliau a’i gyflog blaenorol, nid oedd Kevin yn cael unrhyw lwyddiant ac roedd yn cael ei wrthod am gyfweliadau drwy’r amser.  Roedd yn ddigalon ac yn ansicr o’i ddyfodol.