Serco Employment, Skills & Training Services

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19th Jan 2022 Cynllun Ailddechrau

Mae’r Cynllun Ailddechrau yn cefnogi ffoadur o Salvador i greu bywyd gwell i’w deulu

Arferai Victor, cyn-berchennog busnes, redeg siop goffi yn ôl yn El Salvador, ond cafodd ei orfodi i ffoi ei wlad enedigol oherwydd trais. Gan nad oedd yn gallu siarad llawer o Saesneg, roedd Victor yn ei chael yn anodd dod o hyd i waith, ac roedd yn ddi-waith am bron i ddwy flynedd. Nid oedd Victor am i’w sefyllfa ei drechu. Yn hytrach, cysylltodd â’i ganolfan waith leol i weld pa gymorth oedd ar gael.

13th Jan 2022 Skills Support for the Workforce

Solent small and medium sized businesses can benefit from £1.75million in funded training for employees

Solent small and medium sized businesses can benefit from £1.75million in funded training for employees

12th Jan 2022 Restart Scheme

"I am now enjoying my dream career and can live without money worries.”

With a passion for helping others and keen for a long-term professional career, Chloe says she wanted to break into the third sector and had big plans to eventually start up her own social enterprise. But after two years of unemployment and with dwindling finances putting pressure on her job search, she wondered if she had what it would take. 

10th Jan 2022 Restart Scheme

Restart Scheme supports Salvadorian refugee to build a better life for his family

Ex-business owner, Victor, used to run a coffee shop back in El Salvador, but was forced to flee his home country due to violence. With limited English, Victor struggled to find work and found himself unemployed for nearly two years. Victor was committed to not letting his situation define him. Instead, he contacted his local job centre to see what support was available. 

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