Powys | Living in temporary accommodation in a remote local wood in mid-Wales, with limited access to public transport, limited Wifi and no phone signal; John* faced multiple barriers to work. Sophie, his Remploy Job Coach, assessed John's needs and devised a personalised coaching and training plan. And as their rapport built, John opened-up about his real passion for cooking, and explained he had previously worked as a Chef and wanted to find similar work.
O feithrin meddylfryd cadarnhaol, i ragori mewn cyfweliad a phopeth yn y canol; mae’r Hyfforddwr Gwaith Theresa wedi darparu dull cyfannol o hyfforddi a mentora ar gyfer y fam sengl, Sara. Wrth ymateb i’r her, daeth Theresa o hyd i swydd a oedd yn bodloni meini prawf penodol, gan fentora Sara i ddeall ei hunan-werth, a hyd yn oed trefnu cyllid i’w helpu tan ei diwrnod cyflog cyntaf. Darllenwch y stori'n llawn.
Single mum Sara* was feeling isolated and struggling to find work. She was introduced to her dedicated Job Coach, Theresa from Remploy, a delivery partner of Serco’s Restart Scheme in South Wales. The two built good rapport and together, made sense of her situation, and began to unearth her inner-confidence.
Ar ôl cael ei orfodi i gymryd seibiant gyrfa oherwydd problemau iechyd, roedd Rhys, bachgen o Gaerdydd, yn awyddus i ailafael ynddi eto. Ond wedyn daeth y pandemig a oedd yn golygu llai o gyfleoedd felly ni chafodd Rhys ddim lwc yn dod o hyd i swydd. Ar ôl cwpl o flynyddoedd anodd, dyma’r peth olaf yr oedd arno ei angen.